VW/Audi tool source?

Mike Murphy vag at bavarianparts.com
Tue Oct 23 09:44:00 EDT 2001

mark wrote:
> Hi.
> Was wondering if anyone on the list could direct me to where I could
> purchase the Audi tool required to remove the fuel pump on an '89 Audi
> 100. I believe the VW/Audi Tool # is 3087.  This would be the
> specialized tool used to spin off the top access port on the the fuel
> tank to gain access to the pump inside.    Also, "ballpark" what the
> tool might run. Any information provided would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
Agree w/others and BTDT (again) this past Sunday.  The retainer ring
(holds the sending unit in place) is easily removed w/o the $107 (list
price) tool.
Just wack the notches on the inner part of the ring with a blunt faced
object (I used the plastic coated handle end of snub nosed wire cutters)
and a rubber mallet.  BTW, it helps to scrape off accumulated crud
around the pins the retainer is seated on before hand and get the work
area around the sender relatively clean so no nasty stuff drops into the
tank as you work.

Also, make sure the sending unit goes back in properly or your fuel
gauge will be FUBAR.
Mike Murphy

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