dealer-only parts

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Oct 23 09:58:07 EDT 2001

I've not had a reason to call since Linda retired, but I understood you 
could specifically ask for Didi and be more likely to get the "old" sort of 
rates.   When I've e-mailed Clair, the responder has been Neil Smith.

At 01:38 AM 10/23/2001 -0700, Ti Kan wrote:

>Mark L. Chang writes:
> > Who are we going through these days for dealer only parts (nuts/bolts)?
> > Clair or Carlsen? And, who do I talk to there these days?
>Don't know about Clair, but for Carlsen, you can speak to anyone in the
>parts department.  Just ask for the Internet quattro list discount.
>01 S4 2.7 biturbo quattro
>84 5000S 2.1 turbo
>80 4000 2.0
>     ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
>    ///   AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
>   ///    ti at
>  //////

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