Poor radio reception

Pat Korach tm2 at zipcon.net
Tue Oct 23 10:04:44 EDT 2001


My brother had the same problem with his 88 5000 wagon.  THe amplifier
was bad so I bypassed it and got better radio reception.  We did not
replace it but there is a site on the Net that does sell replacement amplifiers.

All of this was discussed about a 1 or 2 ago so you might want to do a search.

Hope this helps some

Pat Korach
Kirkland, WA

Paul Hill wrote:

> Well I finally got the 86 5KCSTQ inspected and back on the road, but my 40
> minute drive reminded me just how bad the radio reception is (much worse
> that my cheapo crappy ford escort wagon 8^( ) i.e. unusable.
> The radio is reasonable quality (and the original radio performed as
> badly), so it would appear to be either the antenna or the stupidly thin
> non standard co-axial cable to the radio. I have the original "amplified"
> power antenna, but have no way of telling if the amplifier is still working.
> Anyone got any BTDT on getting this working normally again?
> Thanks,
>         Paul

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