
Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Oct 24 14:48:10 EDT 2001

I for one sort of expected an inappropriate caustic remark, Brett.   I say 
inappropriate in this case because Todd didn't ask to be unsubbed, he 
reported he was doing so.  The last guy didn't say he'd tried and tried, as 
I recall, he just asked YOU to do it for him.  So maybe this is half a hand up.

On the other hand,  you can never overpromote the use of a Google 
search.   (Is that a hint?)

Good one there.

At 11:09 AM 10/24/2001 -0400, Brett Dikeman wrote:

>At 6:13 PM -0500 10/23/01, Todd & Edith Young wrote:
>>I'll be unsubscribed for a while, but I'll be back, only with a new
>>email address.
>>We are moving into our new (old) house and I'm switching from the local
>>telco dialup (56k) to AT&T broadband cable modem.
>Special bonus prize to someone who remembers that one.  Hint #1, it's from 
>a LONG time ago and the original acronym is IHTHSOTPSAWIYUQ, but I've 
>modified it slightly, since I don't think he has an UrQ :-)
>PS:this is actually a secret plot by me to get people familiar with the 
>archives and how to search them(hint number two, cough cough.)
>PPS:show of hands...how many people only read this message 'cause they 
>thought I was gonna flame him? :-)
>"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
>safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
>http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/bdikeman.asc (PGP Public Key)

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