still low boost

Bernard Littau bernardl at
Wed Oct 24 14:55:56 EDT 2001

> I was checkin some stuff out the other day lookin for the reason why I'm
> getting over 1 bar and found some things. There is some gunk around the
> corner of the valve cover...would a vaccuum leak there limit boost to 1
> Also I get 1 click from the throttle switch, as soon as it is opened.
> it also click when at full throttle? Shit...there was also some oil at the
> lower right hand corner of the IC...right above the hose. This lack of
> BS sucks...I checked many of the likely hoses, ran the fault codes,
> the temp switch, checked the exhaust, cleaned the ISV, and replaced the
> filter. Everything has checked out so far. Possibly a combination of a
> valve cover, IC, and broken throttle switch?

Hi Jason,

The throttle switch should only click when it is just opened.  The WOT
setting does not click -- it needs to be tested electrically.

The leaky valve cover should not effect boost, but the oil on the IC is
suspicious.  A leak in the IC could well effect boost.

Most likely, something is effecting your waste gate control of the boost.
Check out your top and bottom waste gate hoses and waste gate frequency


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5ktq

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