Poor radio reception

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Wed Oct 24 19:38:18 EDT 2001

Not to be difficult, but I rather like the lack of any type of external
antenna. It's easier to wax the car, it doesn't interfere with the Kayak
or bikes, and it's easier to get the car cover on. 

LL: - NY

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 07:47:09 EDT FBFISH at aol.com writes:
>The poor AM reception has been discussed before. I solved the dilema 
>having the dealer install a power whip type antenna on the right rear 
>Since I was under 50K miles at the time, he did it under warranty. 
>Frank Santoro
>1990 V8
>1998 A8

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