Poor radio reception

urq urq at pacbell.net
Thu Oct 25 12:12:22 EDT 2001

FM but no AM sounds like a dual diversity antenna with the front and rear
swapped.  The dealer did this to the V8 after I complained that the FM
reception disappeared after the airbag recall was done (yeah, doesn't sound
related, but you should have seen what they did to the car to figure out
what they were supposed to do for the recall!)  Later on I attempted to use
AM and got absolutely nothing.  Dug into it myself and found the antennae
swapped.  After swapping back I got both AM and FM, but the FM is spotty.  I
*think* the problem is that they damaged the antenna lead from the rear deck
while they were messing around ...

As to the other problem ... I've seen several cases where someone swapped in
a new deck but didn't think to wire power for the antenna amp from the new
deck ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> Can I get in on this? I get FM but no AM reception, '89 200Q,
> windshield/rear heater wire antennas. If you get any useful replies, let
> me know, and vice versa.
> >minute drive reminded me just how bad the radio reception is (much
> >worse
> >that my cheapo crappy ford escort wagon 8^( ) i.e. unusable.
> >The radio is reasonable quality (and the original radio performed as
> >badly), so it would appear to be either the antenna or the stupidly
> >thin
> >non standard co-axial cable to the radio. I have the original
> >"amplified"
> >power antenna, but have no way of telling if the amplifier is still
> >working.
> >Anyone got any BTDT on getting this working normally again?

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