85 CGT bogging in first.

Jeremiah Curry curryjer at home.com
Thu Oct 25 23:09:59 EDT 2001

Howdy all,

I need help diagnosing a strange problem.  My coupe recently started bogging
really bad in first when launching if I floor or nearly floor it then
everything seems fine.  Everything is also fine at any other speed and even
launching in second gear.  To add to my confusion it doesn't always happen.
Sometimes it is fine and other times I can barely get going.  When it
doesn't work it won't work at every light and when it works it works at
every light.  It may be a coincidence, but this started happening after I
got the car stuck in sand down in moab (I know a lowered CGT is not a four
wheeling machine, but it's all I have)

Thanks in advance
Jeremiah Curry
'85 Coupe GT
'85 Honda vf700f interceptor.

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