car bra's . . . good protection or not?
Jim Green
jeg1976 at
Tue Oct 30 12:23:22 EST 2001
--- Tom Nas <tnas at> wrote:
> "Michael Gough" <mdg3369 at> wrote:
> >My oppinion is that car bras, along with carpet
> dash covers are really dumb.
> >The point of them is to "protect" the way the car
> looks right? Aside from
> >possible damage to the paint from trapping water,
> or being abrasive to the
> >paint on the freeway, they make the cars look down
> right silly. Especially
> >Audis that look GREAT to begin with. And what for?
> To protect the paint so
> >the car looks good......for the next guy? Why not
> have it look good for you?
> >Same with dash covers, I don't get people putting
> them on new cars with nice
> >dashes. They just make the dash look ugly, you
> might as well enjoy the dash
> >wile its not cracked. Same with the paint, if it's
> still in good shape, it's
> >a lot nicer to look at than some black cover on the
> front of the car.
> I second that. The same goes for seat covers in a
> new car- they always look
> like cr at p because they never fit properly. And what
> do you have after
> driving the car with the cr at ppy interior for years?
> A dented, rusty car
> with an as-new interior... as if the next owner will
> care.
> Regards, Tom
I've got a small hood guard on mine, it has kept my
rock chips down to a minimum. Judging by the way the
paint, what's left of it, looks on the trim piece
below my headlights, its doing a pretty good job. If
I take it off my paint looks perfect, except for the
spot where some A@#hole keyed my hood, just another
reason to have it on there. Some Stonegard would have
the same effect. As for the seat covers, yea they
look like crap, but my car had them it's entire life
before I got it. One of the reasons I bought it, the
seats were brand new, and the car was far from rusty.
I must admit that I tore the seat covers off 30 min
after I picked the car up and never looked back.
Jim Green
'89 90tq
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