Type $$ is testing me...

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Sun Sep 2 10:26:37 EDT 2001

Hi John;

Regarding your problem #2, I had similar symptoms on my '91 200q which were
caused by a bad solder joint in the ground circuit on the instrument panel
circuit board. Resoldering the joint solved the problem.

Fred Munro
'94 S4

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Cassidy/Sallyann Mulcahy" <jcasidy at qwest.net>
To: "Quattro List" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 6:12 PM
Subject: Type $$ is testing me...

> The car :  '91 200q
> $1000 in repairs in the last two weeks...$560 for 180kmi. service,  + a
> battery, next day the radiator goes south.  Damn, just when I was ready to
> order tires...
> New problem #1:  Miraculous...I just install the new battery and go for
> glove box to get the code for the stereo, and walla, the latch appears
> broken.  Has anybody figured out how to open these things when the latch
> gives out?
> New problem #2:  I think there is a ground problem.  When the lights are
> the turn signal and  bright light indicators glow dimly, and the auto
> gets confused (sometimes ok, sometimes weird lines).  When the brights are
> on, the bright indicator goes out.  Any of you bright folks know where I
> start?
> New problem #3:  My formerly all supportive wife, (who has mostly loved
> CQ until it recently decided it too needed copious amounts of expensive
> attention), asked me why we don't give up on this annoying Audi thing and
> buy just Hondas like everybody else?  The scary thing is, I considered it,
> if even for only a nanosecond...turboquattroturboquattroturboquattro...
> I am in search of guidence in these matters from this esteemed list.
> in advance!
> JC

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