Bose speaker fix?

Arun Rao rao at
Sun Sep 2 08:11:53 EDT 2001

Well, I haven't reinstalled my speaker yet, so this doesn't really qualify
as a "fix", but I did replace two electrolytics on the amp circuit
board. There aren't that many capacitors on it, and I replaced the two
biggest ones based on pure speculation.  A more sure-fire way would be to
just do all of them ...


On Sat, 1 Sep 2001, james accordino wrote:

> I posted previously that left rear speaker emitted a
> horendous squealing sound.  Unplugged it and used
> system as normal.  Now right rear makes an electronic
> whistle.  Not very loud, but if volume is turned to
> minimum, the whistle remains at constant volume.  Is
> this the cap. problem people descibed on these
> speakers?  Anyone come up with a fix, like installing
> a new capacitor?
> Thanks
> Jim Accordino

Arun Rao
Pixar Animation Studios
1200 Park Ave
Emeryville, CA 94608
(510) 752-3526

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