leaking steering rack - Pentosin 7.1?
cobram at juno.com
cobram at juno.com
Sun Sep 2 20:41:43 EDT 2001
This issue has will hopefully be put to rest. Here is the TSB as
originally posted.
Look up the specs for Mobil DTE-13M Mineral oil which costs from $30-$45
for a 5 gallon pail, those numbers might look familiar. There are
listers who have used DTE-13M for years as a Pento$in substitute with no
adverse effects, even in the V8Q which calls for the pricey synthetic
Pento$in. Ask any lubricant specialist, and they'll tell you if the
specs are close it's interchangeable.
Subj: G002000 7.1 and 7.11s hydraulic fluid
Date: 2/8/00
From: QSHIPQ at aol.com
To: quattro at audifans.com
This post is in regards to the mixing, filling and/or replacement of 7.1
synthetic mineral hydraulic fluid) and 7.11S (synthetic mineral hydraulic
fluid). The audi Technical Service Bulletin indicates that these two
are interchangeable.
AUDI TSB reference Bullitens thru 1993 (issued Oct 1994)
Audi tech bulletin 48-89-T07, Nov '89 (EXACTLY QUOTED)
Hydraulic system fluid has been improved as of M.Y. 1990
New: Hydraulic Fluid, part number unchanged.
This fluid is more temperature resistant
Color: Olive
Old: Hydraulic Fluid, PN 002 000
Color: Green
The new hydraulic fluid can be identified by the RED cap on the container
Note: New and old hydraulic fluid can be mixed if necessary"
Do NOT mix either 7.1 or 7.11 mineral oil in audi hydraulic systems which
call for "Dexron Automatic Transmission Fluid". The ATF hydraulic systems
usually identified by the metal resevoir, the mineral oil 7.1 and 7.11s
hydraulic systems are usually identified by the plastic resevoir. ATF
application are usually found on the older 4000, Urq and pre 84 hydraulic
systems (USA). The 7.1 non synthetic mineral oil fluid is usually found
all 1984> 1989 audi 500/200 cars (USA) The new 7.11 fluid is found from
factory in some M.Y. 1990 audis, and all 1991> audis. Given the better
resistant characteristics of the 7.11s (synthetic mineral oil) fluid, it
the preferred fluid for all audi applications specifying G 00 2 000
oil hydraulic fluid.
If you have any questions regarding the application for your specific
please consult either your owners manual, the label on your resevoir, or
audi dealer.
Cobram at Juno.Com
On Sun, 2 Sep 2001 15:47:22 -0700 "Efraim Gavrilovich"
<egav at wireless2000.com> writes:
> Hi all,
> The second steering rack in my TQ has developed a leak and I am
> feeding it Audi G002 oil for a while now. A week or so ago I decided to
> to Pentosin 7.1 to save some money, as it is $10 cheaper. Only after I
> finished the first bottle of Pentosin and was about to put it in a
garbage I
> noticed the warning on the bottle saying not to mix it with any other
> hydraulic oil.
> Another example of RTFM syndrome. Well, it's too late now. Did I do
> any damage to my system by mixing it with G002?
> Second question. It took me 10 days to go through the bottle of
> Pentosin which amounts to over $700 per year at this rate. It would
cost me
> about the same to replace the rack. I know it's the rack and not a
broken hose
> problem as it squirts the oil at its sealed end on the passenger side
> steering wheel is rotated. My parking spot at the office can easily be
> recognized by a large puddle where the front passenger side tire
usually rests.
> What is the right thing to do considering that replacing the rack does
> guarantee that it would not have to be replaced again next year or year
> Should I bite the bullet and replace the rack or keep on buying
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