4ks needs Help

Robert Turlington rturlington at qwest.net
Tue Sep 4 08:07:00 EDT 2001

So a few people have told me that I need to rewire the fuse box in this 
car.  Icky.  I'm gonna try to just replace the FPR first and then I'll do 
the fuse box.  Does anyone recommend a shop in the Portland OR area that 
can do this kind of work?



At 07:54 PM 9/3/01 -0700, Tony Lum wrote:
>At 09:43 AM 9/3/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>>I just bought an '82 4Ks 4E and it has some issues...
>>Sometimes when you're driving along, the engine just dies.  If you pull 
>>over to the side of the road and wait a few minutes, it will restart and 
>>go again.  Also, after it dies and you restart it, you can hear a 
>>clicking sound in the dash and there seems to be an ozone smell, so I 
>>think something is arcing (bad fuel pump relay???).
>>The previous owner replaced the fuel pump, started and ignition switch 
>>recently, all in an effort to solve the aforementioned problem.  I think 
>>its the fuel pump relay.  Any other ideas?
>>TIA....I need some help...
>>77 Audi 100 LS
>>82 Audi 4000 4E
>>91 Saab 900
>>93 Jeep Grand Wagoneer
>Hi Robert,
>The fuse boxes in these cars are pretty week and are know for burning up 
>and losing contact.  You'll have to go in there and check out all the 
>connections which are brown or gray looking.  I've just spent about a 
>month re-wiring my urquattro which uses the same box.  Multipe 
>reconnections were necessary and additional in-line fuses added to reduce 
>current thru the fuse box.
>ur-quattro #900302

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