Heater fan removal

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Sep 4 16:57:33 EDT 2001

At 06:06 PM 09/04/2001 +0200, Eyvind Spangen wrote:

>How do I remove the heater fan? I'm going the "easy" way, not removing
>the whole box. I can't figure out how to remove the 3rd, lower screw
>that keeps the intake onto the box. I've removed the strap securing
>the box and the duct between the AC box and heater/fan box..

Maybe it's time for the "Steak Knife" approach?

Some of the descriptions of fan exchange I have saved up claim you can get 
to that screw with the right screwdriver and persistence.  I couldn't 
manage it (hands too fat, arms too short, belly too big, etc., when I did 
my 5ktq.  Since it didn't have a functional A/C system, I took out the 
evaporator box  :~).   That way I didn't even have to undo anything in the 
cabin or break the adhesive seal of the heater core box to the firewall.

I've been wondering if it would be possible to take out the four screws 
that hold the evap box and shift it an inch or two toward the passenger 
side fender in order to get at that third screw?????

I'm guessing that I'll do the "steak knife" thing and cut the plenum a 
couple of inches off the heater core box to get to the screw when I replace 
the fan in my 200q20vt sometime "before snow flies".  Probably find 
something in the plumbing/heating department at Home Depot to wrap the cut 
plenum with afterward.  
-------------- next part --------------

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