Brake Help

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Sep 4 18:25:52 EDT 2001

Can't see how the "bomb" would contribute to the front calipers staying 
locked.  Master Cylinder makes much more likely source of the freezing 
up.   If you want to check, get the engine compartment and the MC good and 
hot and then brake until your front calipers won't let go.  Then open the 
hood and spray a little cold water on the MC.  Bet the brakes let loose 
after that.

At 04:59 PM 09/04/2001 -0400, Mark Woodland wrote:

>I've ground to a halt with the dreaded "5KTQ front brakes siezing up after 
>10 mile drive" disease.
>The archives point (9 out of 10 times) to the Master Cylinder being 
>crudded up/needing replacement, with the other 10 % split between Bomb 
>replacement and Brake Booster replacement.
>I know I'll be needing a bomb, but do you really think I need the Master 
>too. Looking for another opinion (or two) before I slam it with cash (and 
>Many thanks in advance,
>Mark Woodland
>Gina '86 5KTQW  215K
>Max  '87 5KTQ   218K
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