Handbrake problems

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Sep 5 10:01:14 EDT 2001

If you take the calipers apart (remove piston from cylinder, take out 
spring clip holding in washer and spring of the threaded post the piston 
screws onto and extract the post--which can be a real chore), you'll find 
the parking brake actuator rod, a sort of elongated football, that pushes 
on the threaded rod when the arm of the parking brake system moves.  Taking 
out the actuator rod will allow extraction of the parking brake cable arm 
and its rod, which will let you clean out all the corrosion in the housing 
and on the rod.  Let us know if you find a source for replacing the seal 
around the parking brake arm's rod.  When everything's all shiny again, 
you'll need some high-temp lubricating paste for the parts in the parking 
brake system, and it'd be a good idea to shine up the brake piston and 
walls of its cylinder.  The boot kit for the piston might include the 
parking brake system seal.  For a more detailed description of various Audi 
parking brake repairs, see Paul Heneghan's page on the 
subject:  http://heneghan.members.beeb.net/audi/parkingbrake.html

At 04:55 AM 09/05/2001 -0700, ANTHONY ATTARD wrote:

>Good morning Audi fans.
>Does anyone have any suggestion(s) as to how to go
>about freeing up the handbrake levers on the the brake
>calipers without replacing the calipers?? Any idea
>would appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
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