Fuel line to fuel filter fitting

ed armstrong edshred2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 5 09:26:16 EDT 2001


You can do what I did when I damaged the fuel line
near the fuel filter. Go to the junkyard and cut off a
small section of fuel line that has the fitting
already on it. Then use your compression fitting to
splice to the damaged line on your car. You can use
fuel line for just about any Audi and VW water cooled

I have mixed feelings about doing this, as in the
event of an accident the compression fitting is a
possible weak link. However, this setup never leaked
in about five years of use...but I was never rear
ended or in any other accident.


--- "Craig D. Niederst" <niederst at telerama.com> wrote:
> My '86 CGT developed a leak around one of the rubber
> mounting points under
> car. I bought some 8 mm OD, 6 mm ID tubing (same as
> OE) and a compression
> fitting to splice in the new piece of tubing without
> having to replace the
> whole line. The fitting on the line connecting it to
> the filter turned out
> to be completely rusted in place, and sheared off
> when removal was
> attempted. I have fabricated a piece of line that
> reaches to the filter, but
> cannot find the fitting that fits on the line into
> the one on the fuel
> filter. I have checked the McMaster-Carr, Grainger,
> MCS catalogs, but so far
> have not found anything like it. Anyone else find a
> source of this fitting?
> I see the archives mentioning getting one used, but
> would rather get one new
> if possible. TIA.
> Craig
> '92 100S (94k)
> '86 CGT (200k)

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