(NAC) Crazy Volvo owners

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Wed Sep 5 19:35:27 EDT 2001

How about a red 1983 240 wagon, deep body kit, lowered, tinted glass, boomin
stereo and a Chebby 305 under the hood?

92 Cabrio 2.3E

Tessie McMillan wrote:

> Aaaaaaah! But are they wagons? ? ? ? ? ;-))))))) That would make me get
> out my camera... (and wince in abject pain)...
> Tess
> in Seattle, WA USA
> > From: Per Lindgren <lindgre at online.no>
>   > Jenny Curtis wrote:
> > > I don't know about the video thing but I've actually seen a couple of
> > > riced up Volvos around lately.  I never thought I'd hear a Volvo boom
> > > car or see a Volvo with the gold chainlink license plate holder, but
> >
> > You should come to Norway or Sweden....
> >

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