steaming TQ

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Sep 6 08:51:13 EDT 2001

At 09:49 PM 09/05/2001 -0700, Efraim Gavrilovich wrote:

>Hi all,
>On my way home from work, about one mile away from home,I noticed a steam
>coming from under the hood.
>Now, I need somebody to help me to identify the broken hose. I went through
>the Bentley twice but could not find anything resembling failed hose. I will
>try to describe it. It's a real small part. It is a metal elbow with a ring
>at one end and rubber hose crimped to this elbow at the other end. The
>rubber hose is no longer than 1.5". Elbow ring is bolted to the engine right
>where the main radiator hose is attached, right between spark plugs #1 and
>#2. The other end of the rubber hose is attached with a hose clamp to a long
>metal tube about 3/8" dia.

Sounds like the assembly carrying coolant to the turbo.
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