t3's, t3/4's etc

ed armstrong edshred2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 6 10:38:56 EDT 2001

Wow, you got 23 psi boost from a K26 turbo with stock
CIS if I understand correctly ?? This is contrary to
what I heard from previous posts to the list that
suggest 16-18 psi is the max limit for a turbo CIS
setup due to fuel and especially airflow limitations.
Is there something that you did not mention in your
setup that allowed these high boost levels with the
K26 ??


--- Jay Rabe <jeremiahrabe at hotmail.com> wrote:
>   I used to have a medium sized t3/4 on my 4kq.  It
> had 5kt CIS for a while. 
>   I was running 23psi in it.  When a freind was
> selling his turbo (15 hours 
> of time on it) i bought it.  Before i bought it i
> was considering buying a 
> rennsport for my car.  (This is the one that bolts
> right up to the exhaust 
> manifold and downpipe.)  I had to make an adaptor
> 'pipe' to mate the 
> manifold to the exh housing and remade the first
> foot of the downpipe to 
> make the t3/4 work.  Oil and water lines were not
> very hard to make at all.  
> Mine were all shot anyways so it worked out well.
>   Boost came in a little later (3-400rpm's) It still
> boosted up decently 
> even with the cam retarded a tooth.  (i like top
> end)  Boost didn't 
> fluctuate in different gears anymore either.  Power
> was a little better but 
> boost maxed at ~17psi instead of 23psi with the k26.

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