door handle dance

gerard gerard at
Thu Sep 6 20:34:17 EDT 2001

> Speaking of door handles... will the aero handles from a '92 V8 swap
> into my '87 5kCStq?  The V8 handles are already pearl white and would
> match... well maybe.
> Any thoughts?

Wouldn't that be the doors off a 1991 Audi 200 quattro 20-valve? Those
are still satin black though.

My South African Audi 200 FWD has colour coded door handles and V8-style
red tail lights. All factory spec stuff.

You can have the door handles cut out with some surrounding metal from a
early 100/A6 and weld them in just like they do to some custom VW Golfs
in the UK, but the easiest will be to get some of those 20-valve 200q
doors complete.

I don't think the V8 doors will go. At least the rear doors 'cos of the
flared arches.


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