emergency brake cable snapped?

Ero Rademer erademer at igd.fhg.de
Fri Sep 7 17:45:52 EDT 2001


Andrew Sitzer sitzman at core.binghamton.edu wrote:
> Is it more likely that it is something in the
> handle (where the handle meets the cable?)

No. The emergency brake lever operates a kind of "rocker" where
the two cables are connected to. When one snaps, the other side
gets no "counter draw" and you can move the lever up as much as
you like and get no or nearly no breaking on the remaining brake.

That's also the reason why normally never both cables snap at
the same time. But expect the second cable to snap just after
you installed a new one... BTDT ;)

Ok there might be the case that the "rocker"-thingie itself broke
or slipped off the threaded rod but...

So long!

                                   /\/ \   .--.--.    \ /
                                   \___/  (_/^I^\_)  --O--
Ero Rademer                       - - - -  ,--I--.    ...            
Fraunhofer Institut fuer                  /_ _ _ _\    .
Graphische Datenverarbeitung 
Rundeturmstrasse 6                               Treppenstrasse 3
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email: erademer at igd.fhg.de              email:     ero at rademer.de
http://www.igd.fhg.de/igd-a8            http://www.rademer.de/ero

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