Tom Nas's cruise control

Tom Nas tnas at
Fri Sep 7 21:21:11 EDT 2001

At 07:53 7-9-01 -0700, Tessie McMillan <tessmc at> wrote:

>When I recently installed a Jamex front strut-tower brace in my '88 80
>Quattro, we removed the cruise control pump to make room. I'm happy to
>send it to you -- cruise control is something I never have used in all my
>years of car ownership. But I haven't evaluated wiring, or anything else.
>We just removed the pump.
>Also, I've never shipped anything outside the U.S. before, and I have no
>idea if the pump even works.
>Does that make it hard enough for you? &:-))))

Thanks Tess, that's great!
What's not so great is that another lister told me I didn't just need the 
pump, vacuum box, rods, brain, wiring loom and switch- I'd also need new 
gas and brake pedals. He also told me it doesn't engage at 30 mph, which 
takes up a lot of my driving. Hmmm...
I'm not in love with cruise control either, I just need less to worry about 
on my commute, and the police here have launched an 'offensive against 
speeding' (i.e. there's more money to be made by presenting motorists with 
another 'tax' than there is in arresting criminals). This car is so 
deceptively quiet and quick, I'm doing 70 kph when I think I'm doing 40.
Maybe I'd better look into having aftermarket cruise control fitted, and 
have it controlled by an original steering column stalk...

Sorry for the rant, I'm getting a little frustrated with having to look for 
speed cameras and look at my speedo all the time instead of being able to 
concentrate on the (hectic) traffic.

Regards, Tom

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