your lights on '90 2CQ

William Magliocco magliocc at
Fri Sep 7 18:06:23 EDT 2001

Your light mods are quite interesting.  Would you
please tell the list about the arrangement, costs and
why you decided to go with the '84 style lights on
your '90.

I'm just guessing, but I think you may have a few of
us that may want to copy your efforts.  Yes, I would
love a set of Turbo/Q headlights for one of my old
beasts, but the idea of paying $600 for a set of fresh
glass on a 15+ year old car is not appealing at all.

But then again, the idea of driving safely at night
_is _ appealing...the '93 100 is a damn site better in
that regard and I am sure your C4 will satisfy you
better than the 200/C3 did with stock DOT lamps.

Then again, being from the UK you have the trained
instincts for car lighting that our yanqui areses have
yet to comprehend.

So Please, Kevin, give us the gory details!  (applause
from list here)

Thanks, Bill Magliocco

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