Bypass valve PN

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Sun Sep 9 12:24:18 EDT 2001

My recommendation with Bypass Valves is, if you think you will own the car 
for more than a year or two, buy a high quality aftermarket one.  I was 
replacing mine every 8 mo. or so, they just don't hold up very well like the 
aftermarket billet alum. units.  Honking has always been a problem on all 
that I have tried, even the "improved" units.  Anyway, for about $135 you can 
get a vavle you will never touch again.

In a message dated 9/9/2001 8:20:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
ccohen5 at writes:

<< I believe the Bosch P/N is 0280 142 102.

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