
Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at
Mon Sep 10 08:29:55 EDT 2001

When I sold these things it was in the late sixties.  The Renault stable
being sold in this country was, as near as I can recall, the Renault 16,
which was the French precursor to the Pontiac Azte; the Renault 5 (I think
it was), and the Caravelle, which as I recall was an off-shoot of the "5".

I don't believe that the Deux Cheveaux and the Quatre Cheveaux were ever
imported for sale in this country, and they certainly were not being sold in

The Caravelle was Renault's answer to the VW Karmann Ghia.  Of course, like
all the French cars of that era, it wasn't a sales hit.

The French didn't care, either, I think.

For what it is worth, my first car was a Renault Dauphine.  It was a
hand-me-down from my sister, who went on to graduate school and eventually,
to a new Beetle.  (She now lives in Cairo, where she doesn't need a car, nor
does she drive or smoke Camels, but that is another tale....)

Anyway, my Renault Dauphine was a sort of "cherry pie filling" red, and
while driving it with some friends, someone let a cigarette butt get into
the rear upholstery.  The rusulting fire was very small...confined to the
rear seat cushion.

However it was not repairable, as there were NO rear seat cushions in the
country, according to my insurance guy.  But the insurance company did
locate a Gordini interior on the shelf at the importer's warehouse.

The claim was settled with the complete installation of the Gordini
interior, including door panels and front seats in addition to the singed
rear cushion.

Didn't make the car run a damn bit better, but it was MUCH neater looking.


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