Looking for plastic gear source

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Sep 10 21:21:51 EDT 2001

 From the old Beemer (two-wheel type) List, 
try  http://continentalimports.com/   and ask for Scott, I believe.  They 
supposedly also sell instrument parts even though authorized repair centers 
aren't supposed to do so.

At 03:47 PM 09/10/2001 -0700, Perry, Christoper (EDS) wrote:

>Anyone ever find a good source for plastic gears.  The odometer function in
>my speedometer is not working and I have traced it to one missing tooth on a
>5 cent plastic gear.  Has anyone ever tried to buy these or have them made?
>Chris Perry
>89 90q "at least 162,000 miles"
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