
Scruggs Family gjkscruggs at
Tue Sep 11 05:37:33 EDT 2001

Proceed directly to your favorite muffler shop and tell them you have an
interference problem.  They will put the car on a lift and likely identify
candidate areas within minutes.  Often the contact areas will leave telltale
rub marks.  They can adjust joints or hangars until the problem goes away.
Unless the contact is with functional parts like half-shafts or brake parts
then the damage is relegated only to your time spent wondering what that
noise is.

Regards, Gross

----- Original Message -----
From: "c a l i b a n" <caliban at>
To: "Scruggs Family" <gjkscruggs at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: surge

> On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Scruggs Family wrote:
> ] Rocky, I'm going to guess that the rumble you hear is your
> ] exhaust system just barely vibrating against the body of the car.  More
> ] boost means more torque which means more deflection of the engine mounts
> ](in
> ] reaction to that torque) and more movement of the exhaust system and
> ] opportunity to encounter something it would usually not encounter.
> my intuition leads me to believe that this is probably
> exactly what i am haring, actually.  it comes from the
> right place in the car and everything.
> so then, some questions remain, like how to stop it, or
> is it causing any damage.
> --
>  rocky mullin - chaotic good
>  this message was composed using the vi editor.
>  "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
>   but spiritual beings on a human journey." -Some Guy

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