Good to see Audifans site again

Jukka Majanen jiipm at
Fri Sep 14 01:06:28 EDT 2001


On my sentiments a couple of days ago I couldn´t
say anything. Now I just want to say to all my dear 
American friends; You are not alone here -we all, 
the civilazed world, will stay beside You. It was an 
attack against whole free world, I´m sorry NY did 
have to suffer it...

No digest messages from the list for two days
made me feeling worse, tried to find Audifans
at the web, only error on the search, just wanted 
to hear You all are ok. Now it is midnight here in
Finland and I found the site, feels better. If the one 
can say so in this situation. Of course I´ve had
many individual messages from my friends in the
States and read the news, but when the one sees 
the list is talking, tells more.

I`ve read some people in the list have said; this is not
a forum for this kind of messages, but I disagree.
Aren´t our lists free? Isn´t this tragedy the matter
of all of us? Ok in any case, I am sure the evil that 
started this, has started to loose it. As a moderator
of a local Audi-list ( yep, a small one, tenth part of this )
I want to wish all good and courage to this mother-list.

I thought to put some Audi-content on this message,
but maybe it`ll be on my next ( I really have something 
to ask You, who have the most of the worlds V8 
automatic Audis )


( Jukka-Pekka Majanen )

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