testing oil pressure switches

James Marriott marriott at micron.net
Fri Sep 14 00:01:51 EDT 2001

> I'm testing four oil pressure switches, one 1.8 tests ok per
procedure in
> Bentley. (I'm applying air pressure with an Oxygen tank and

Errr, using oxygen with a fuel present (like the residue inside
the switch) is an explosive hazard. Depending on what you are
mixing the O2 with, you can get autoignition at room temperaure.
That's why the oxygen equipment says "USE NO OIL," to keep people
from dying. Naturally, YMMV.

cu, James Marriott
'87 4kq (alias "late-B2 90q") with rare NG engine, 181k
'89 200q (MC1, ProconTen/no bag, 1.8 blah blah), 132k
Boise, ID, USA     http://www.webpak.net/~marriott/

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