'90 100 Climate Control Problem

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Sep 19 11:45:38 EDT 2001

At 07:20 AM 09/19/2001 -0400, TWFAUST at aol.com wrote:

>Here's the problem. I can't get heat through the dash. If I start on cool, 
>it comes through the dash. When I raise the temperature for heat, it 
>switches to the defrost outlets and the floor outlets. I don't have the 
>100 manual, but I do have the manual for the 5000. The climate control 
>looks the same, is it different?
>Tom Faust

Should be basically the same system, Tom.  Did you do the fault code check 
described in the manual (I presume you mean the Bentley?????)?  On my Type 
44's,  cool air comes out the vents in the face of the dash, warm comes out 
the vents on each end of the top of the dash   and the footwells.
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