Get together in Framingham MA... looking for amount of interest

Nate Stuart stuart at
Wed Sep 19 17:06:28 EDT 2001

How about that Fri, works much better for me. Hopefully I'll even have an
Audi to drive down....

'89 90tq (getting there...)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at>
To: "'audi list'" <quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 3:34 PM
Subject: Get together in Framingham MA... looking for amount of interest

> There was going to be a get together at John Harvard's in Framingham on
> the 25th when Phil Payne was going to be in town.  As he isnt going to be
> coming now, I'm curious to how many people would like to still like to get
> together.  I would need a head count and then I could go forward with
> reservations.  I could also change the date if people want as well,
> this last weekend of the month, I will be on call, so I couldnt guarentee
> that I would be there at the end to ensure the bill got paid ect ect....
> So the details....
> John Harvards Brew House
> Shoppers World Plaza
> Rt 9 (west bound side) (aka Worcester Road)
> Framingham, MA
> Prolly start about 6:30 pm?  Earlier or later if people want.  (I'm out of
> work at 3pm so I have plenty of time :) )
> Its a resturant, with plenty of space.  We fit 20-something people in last
> time Phil ALMOST showed up with no problems.
> I'll repost this again tomorrow and then give a count on thurs and go from
> there depending on interest ect ect.
> Rob Beatty

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