Audi 200 fenders on 5000?....junkyard find

Brian O' briano_72 at
Wed Sep 19 19:02:35 EDT 2001

it wasnt a 92, 91 was the last year for the 5k bodys,
that was the 100/a6 style. most 5000/200/100 body
parts are the same, other than when they switched the
door handle styles, but you could still switch the
doors if you felt like it.
                                      brian o'

--- jason snider <jason_chad at> wrote:
> I saw some pics of the '92 Audi 200 and the flared
> fenders look like they 
> may fit the 5k. Does anybody have any experience
> with this? Also, I recently 
> made a trip to a yard about 20 min. away from me and
> got a driver's side 
> door handle and a combination switch for $3 each!!
> Both work too. The yard 
> had a few 5000s---I was only there for about 30 min.
> So, maybe there are 
> some other Audi's that I didn't see.
> Later,
> Jason
> '86 5ktq
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