[audi20v] Re: Should I sell out? (Update)

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at buckeye-express.com
Thu Sep 20 11:37:52 EDT 2001

Hello Hank.........I helped a gearhead Audi fan friend of mine here in Ohio 
find and buy a 1995 S6 about 4 months ago. We found  half a dozen and he 
bought one in New England, brought it home to Ohio, and started sorting it 
out.  Several injectors went wacky and hydrolocked the engine, and  a few 
other issues kept it in the shop for about a month. But it works now, just 
like it was designed to work, and it is an AWSOME car.  I have a 1987 5ktq, 
and it's sweet spot is about 100 mph.  This S6 might have a sweet spot, but 
at 120 it was still climbing and didn't even hint at wanting to settle down 
and cruise.

The guy now has the car of his dreams and is a very happy person every day. 
He will maintain it, and will deal with anything that changes. This 
satisfaction will last for at least a few years, and who knows how long we 
will have a world where such satisfaction is ever again possible?

I know that I am spoiled rotten by my ownership of this 1987 5ktq since 
1998. At 203,000 miles it makes my soul happy every time I take it on a 
trip, or even around the block. And after a period of sorting out, it is 
very reliable. And it costs me about $1,200 a year to maintain it in top 
shape. And the car looks almost like new......after 13 years.

I just hope it stays together until my gearhead friend decides to sell me 
his S6.

Get what you want.

Doyt Echelberger
87 5ktq in Ohio

At 08:21 PM 9/19/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>still waiting to hear from the owner but as far as the dealership can tell me
>it has exhaust (3" stainless), Exhaust manifold, turbo, chips, and think
>intake but not sure.
>The dealership is not selling this car, in fact they aren't an Audi
>dealership anyway.. just a well trusted Audi garage (they have a fantastic
>rep with selling used cars, my friend's S4 came from there).  A customer of
>theirs is selling it but they have let him place it on their lot.  Guess they
>might be getting a percentage of the sale but who knows (not that it matters,
>wouldn't think it would be that much).
>The local AoA dealer mechanic that I went up to while he was working on a car
>has no interest in my decision at all since he doesn't even know the local
>shop, guy selling the car, or me.  His opinion is that the platform that the
>S4 is built on is more trouble free than the 90 platform.  Kinda had to
>believe him since the parts guys told me that he is the most experienced
>wrench in the shop.
>I may have an attack of the crazies and buy this thing after all.  Sure I
>will be doing it with my fingers crossed though if I do.
>As far as Subaru goes have never been a fan.... Can't say why but get a bad
>feeling when looking at them.  Guess that makes me a marquee-ist.
>Hank 90q20v
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