Paging all burned wiring experts (a/k/a the $500 '87 5kQ)

Steve Marinello smarinello at
Fri Sep 21 16:24:37 EDT 2001

Speaking of unbelievable deals...that could become boat anchors...I am the
proud(?) half owner of an '86 5ktq, acquired for almost nothing.  Half
considered fixing it, but neither of us has the time and the original intent
was to part it out anyway.  It's running, but it shows the years.  I think
we'll part it out shortly.  It has the Fuchs wheels and if anyone is in need
of any particular parts, let me know and I'll check their condition.


> From: William Magliocco <magliocc at>
> Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 12:08:55 -0700 (PDT)
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Paging all burned wiring experts (a/k/a the $500 '87 5kQ)
> Well, list, I went and bought the damn thing...
> Now, who out there can relate their tales of
> resurrecting a 5kQ after the fan motor seized?
> I will be getting into it over the next few days once
> I get it home from the point of purchase.
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