new rim bolt pattern?

pasquale pilato pasqualep99 at
Sat Sep 22 11:39:01 EDT 2001

The selection is slim but there are some hot rims out
there in that size.  Tire rack is good, but they think
my car has the 5x112 bolt pattern.  Do not take their
word as the gospel.  I am a registered dealer for
several rim and tire shops, and since I have an audi
with the same 4x108 I know whats out there.  My prices
will beat most because I'm looking to make alot of
sales and build my business credit rather than put
money in my pocket. (for now at least)  I also have no
overhead.  The best thing that has happen to audi fans
with that 4 lug pattern is the focus, that little ford
also has a 4x108.  Contact me if you are interested. 
I would also recommend 215-40-17 tires, especially if
you are using 7" wide rims.  The 205 will look funny
on the wider rim and it is VERY low profile, the rim
is about 2" off the ground.  215-40 will raise that a
little bit.  I am willing to register with any rim
manufacture if you see something you like.  Peace.

Pilato's Machines
1990 100q

--- "Mitchell S. Haskins" <mhaskins1 at> wrote:
> The bolt pattern is 4 X 108 mm for the 90Q, so I am
> assuming it is the same
> for the FWD version.  As for rims, yes, it IS a
> PITA.  Your best bet is to
> size them at, to see what's
> available, and then, if you can
> find a deal near home, buy from your local area.
> Sorry for the 'spam'.
> Mitchell S. Haskins
> 1988 90Q

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