AC programmer needed

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat Sep 22 17:01:40 EDT 2001

You can get that motor from the programmer for a Cadillac (Seville, I 
think) of the same vintage.  If you do a Google search of for 
AC Programmer or similar language, you should encounter postings regarding 
this.  If you can't find it, let me know and I'll hunt thru my supply of 
such details I've saved to floppy.

At 12:32 PM 09/22/2001 -0700, Efraim Gavrilovich wrote:

>Hi all,
>The AC programmer in my 5KTQ quit, stuck in highest heat position. I removed
>Bowden cable and manually pushed it back to the min heat position so that I
>wouldn't be BBQed alive.When I opened the gears box of the programmer I
>found at least two gears with 50% of teeth being stripped. This thing needs
>to be replaced before the winter arrives, so before I go to the dealer I
>wonder if someone on the list has a spare programmer or the gear box and is
>willing to part with it.
>Efraim Gavrilovich
>1988 5KTQ 333,000km (207K mi), 1.8 Bar
>1990 90 110,000km (68K mi)
>Vancouver, Canada
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