50 ETKA CD's being dutch auctioned on Ebay

Sheffield Corey shefs_audi at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 22 14:54:27 EDT 2001

Hi gang,

I was just scanning Ebay to see what they had for '87 TQ parts of
interest and found where someone was dutch auctioning 50 VW/Audi ETKA
CD's. The auction number was #595719687. The current price was $30.00.
All disclaimers apply; I do not know the person auctioning these CD's.
I, myself, do not want one, but I have seen many people on the "list"
ask about them; so, I thought I would pass this along.

HTH someone,
            have a great weekend,


Sheffield Corey
Wickford, Rhode Island U.S.A.
'87 5KCSTQ
'87 XL600R
'66 Corvette Coupe
Quattro: The way to GO! when conditions say: "NO!!!"
But as a wise fellow once said: "4x0=2x0".

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