90Q radiator problems

Jacques Fournier jfgte8296 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 24 09:25:15 EDT 2001

Wow!  I didn't know that metal was better.  You should
let the Audi engineers know about that.  They must
have it all wrong.  I guess my plastic radiator lasted
13 years by luck alone.

Sorry for the sarcasm.  Really though.  If the other
guy has goten two metal rads in 22 months doesn't it
stand to reason he should go with a new OEM model?  I
didn't mean to give the impression that flexing is
good but that "where" the flex occurs may be more
important.  200.00 just doesn't seem that much for me.
 Not for a 360.00 list price.  It's not like the crazy
prices we pay for electical components or rear
calipers etc.....  I realy think engine cooling is an
area to spend the money since if it goes bad enough so
does your engine.  I have a father inlaw who loves to
buy used or rebuilt and with radiators, there are too 
many horror stories for my taste. 

BTW I have no cooling problems with the efficiency of
the radiator I have now so what would more do for me? 
The fan can lower the temp from peak to normal in 5
seconds at idle now.
--- JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> << BTW, I don't believe in rebuilding
>  radiators.  If you're that cheap, buy an Escort or
>  Cavalier.  >>
> Ouch!  Man, I sure do, a great way to get a like-new
> radiator for under $100, 
> it has nothing to do with being cheap, but sensible,
> and spending money where 
> it counts!  In my car, I had it recored for less
> than you paid for your new 
> plastic unit, with a higher efficiency core too.
> << I don't know who would recommend an all-metal
>  radiator.  I would think the plastic in the OEM
> ones
>  is much more resilient and flexes without breaking
>  when expanded and contracted during the extreme
>  temperature changes.  >>
> I would!  The all metal radiators NEVER fail,
> plastic radiators I have had in 
> my cars have failed due to the flexing you are
> talking about, your analysis 
> is 180 degrees out of wack IMO.  Its the plastic
> that fails, metal radiators 
> are very reliable.
> Javad
> 80tq.com

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