Low cost options while doing PM on 5ktq (was 10V T pics)

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Mon Sep 24 13:42:35 EDT 2001

Averall, my justification for keeping the costs down so much is that I could
be spending this money on a newer 200 or A6 or ??  Love this wagon though,
so I plan to keep.  However, part of that love is how inexpensive it has
been to operate and maintain - I mean really - this is directed at all of
those who complain about Type$$ issues.  For me it is more of a priority to
maintain the inexpensive but good transportation.  Anything I can do to
improve performance without coasting a couple of house payments, well that
is the icing on the cake.



Preach on Brother Ben!  Where else can you find a car that will basically
run for 300,000 miles + without serious rebuild and have simple and rather
easy mods to give it a 40% hp increase and still not spend more and
2500-3000$?  Yes the pentonsin is a PITA and so are a few other issues, but
I LOVE the type 44 and always will.


86 5ktq Black on Black w/sport interior! :)
87 5ktq (sold but not forgotten)
89 200tqa 

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