New car on the road!

TM t44tq at
Mon Sep 24 14:28:16 EDT 2001

Congrats- I take it that you know that G60s are not compatible with
G54 rotors?

As for tires- any reason you're going for 205/50 rather than the correct
+1 205/55?

Is the car is significantly faster, unless you had low compression on your
old car or some other problem that limited your power, I'd get the lower
wastegate hose checked out on your new car- could be a sign of a failing
hose. My old 5ktq was awesome with a bad wastegate hose, until the fuel
kicked in- felt really, really strong off the line, amazing.

Finally- colored city light bulbs, esp. in red or blue are illegal and can
get you a big ticket, depending on your jurisdiction. Don't do it- it's
totally rice.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Beatty, Robert
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 12:49 PM
To: 'audi list'
Subject: New car on the road!

Got the new (to me) 86 5ktq on the road over the weekend.  Complete with the
Eibach and Bilstien (rears only so far), SMJ chip and WG spring (1.8 bar
spring).  WOW!  This car is significantly faster than my 87 5ktq for some
reason.  Even stock it would out accelerate my chipped 87 and now chipped it
FLIES!.  On the downside though, since its a pre 86 split car, it has the
old G-54 calipers in it, so braking leaves something to be desired.  A call
to Force5 and that has been remedied.  A pair of G-60's are on their way.
Now just to find the extra cash for some rotors and hi-perf pads!  As soon
as my rebate check gets in, its off to NTB for a set of Kuhmo Excsta

Another neat thing I did with this car is put in the 100 (H4) Euros I had in
my 87.  I also have wired in the city lights and I'm going to get a couple
different color bulbs and see what looks the coolest :).  I'm betting red
will look rather wild and it shouldnt have any effect on my light output as
the color is just going to be from a very low power bulb, not the headlamp
bulb like alot of these idiots with blue headlights have.  (note: I dont
mean the blue xenon ones, I mean the blue tinted bulbs you can buy at
Wallyworld or Autozone, which by the way are ILLEGAL!)  I'm gonna pick up
the colored bulbs tonight and play with it after it gets dark and see how
things look.  I figure I'll try red, green and blue.


86 5ktq
87 5ktq (sold but not forgotten)
89 200tqa

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