fuel tank problems

Chuck Hill hilltech at netins.net
Mon Sep 24 19:55:49 EDT 2001

John Larson wrote:
> From: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at verizon.net>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: Fuel tank problems (Lamond/Hill)
> Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 08:38:03 -0700
> Gasoline with a large percentage of alcohol (or ven a small percentage) can
> cause problems like this.  HTH, John
> John, I was concerned that this might be the case too.  However, it turns out that it's very unlikely.  I went to another car for a replacement fuel pump yesterday.  This car is an '86 Quantum that I've had the last year and a half, and has always used a 10% Ethanol blend popular in the midwest, which is what I use exclusively in about 15 different vehicles in my business and personal fleet.  Anyway, in this Quantum, which has all the same parts as the new Q. Syncro, there was absolutely no problem with the rubber boot which surrounds the fuel pump softening.  I have never had a problem with ethanol blended gasoline in 10 or 15 years.  This is an old myth that keeps coming back again and again.

I did clean out the old tank with lacquer thinner and replaced the fuel
pump assembly.  The Q. Syncro runs fine now, and I'm looking forward to
enjoying it this winter.  Last winter we had ice and snow on the
driveway which winds uphill through a wooded area for more than two
months.  It was so slick, you couldn't safely walk up the driveway, but
with the Quattro system, you could drive just fine.  My wife's Subaru
made it OK too.

Putting ethanol in gasoline may not be the best use for it--I like it
best aged in new oak barrels, but it's not bad for the cars we drive.

Chuck Hill

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