2.8 12v timing belt swap

Todd Candey tcandey at wans.net
Tue Sep 25 10:30:43 EDT 2001

it's absolutely imperative that you have the cam shaft holder. The tool is the only way to keep the
cams from turning while tensioning the belt.


Kris Hansen wrote:

> Good morning all,
> I soon going to be changing the timing
> belt/waterpump/t-stat and idler on a 2.8 12v engine,
> in a '96 A4. Are there any special tricks I should
> know about? I have looked over the pages in the
> Bentley, and there are 2 special tools mentioned, a
> crankshaft holder tool, and a camshaft holder tool.
> Are these absolutely essential, or can I just double
> and triple check the orientations of the pulleys as
> the install progresses? I noticed that Baum has the
> tools, but they are a little pricey (or am I just
> cheap??)
> TIA,
> Kris
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