Some info on Alternators for the 4000S

Kate FitchGerald k_fitchgerald at
Tue Sep 25 11:39:40 EDT 2001


My 87 4000S alternator's casing broke apart, and in my
area, I was having a very hard time trying to locate
another casing.
Well anyways, I found a whole alternator from an 86
4000S.  When I tried installing the alternator  in my
87 4000S, it wouldn't fit.  
Why did AUDI design it like that? GRRR!  Well, if I
simply grind a little off the alternator I baught, it
will fit.  But, if I do that, will it work?  The
alternator I got, was rebuilt, and they forgot to put
the spec sticker on.  So I'm going by what people in
here know about the difference between the 86 and 87
4000s.  Will the 86 alternator work on mine.  Or is
that why Audi changed the casing between the two. 

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