An annoying ticking sound

Bob mx at
Tue Sep 25 12:46:01 EDT 2001

Why 86 or newer? My 84 has quite a symphony on startup sometimes

Eyvind Spangen wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:41:39 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
> >I have a ticking sound coming out of my cylinder head.
> > What is it?  A sticky valve.  It's on pretty much all
> >the time when I start the car.  Even after its be
> >warm, it still ticks.
> >
> >How can I solve this problem.
> You don't mention what car you have, but if it's a '86 or newer, it's
> the hydraulic valve lifters that makes the noise. They are probably
> worn, and should be replaced when they still ticks with warm engine.
> Expect to pay about $200 to get it done.. (10 lifters @ $12 + labor)
> --
> Regards,
> ES

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