Audi Parts Fiche Software?
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at
Tue Sep 25 19:15:17 EDT 2001
The internet version of ECTA is at It's a
bit klunky, but it contains basically the same information as the other
versions available. You need to be using Internet Explorer rather than
Netscape for it to work. You input the vehice year and hit "next" then you
select the vehicle model and hit "next" then you choose the category of
part sought and hit "next" and then you select the more specific field
within the category and hit "next". The CD version has been offered
occasionally, and QList members with the facilities sometimes have it on a
website for downloading. I don't recall a current availability for
downloading, but it comes up occasionally. Someone recently had CD's on
E-Bay, but you should be able to get it without much cost elsewhere.
At 02:34 PM 09/25/2001 -0500, Jamie Howton wrote:
>There has been some discussion on on of the Porsche 928 list that I am
>on regarding PET software which is pictoral part number listing of all
>Porsche part numbers by model and year. Someone just mentioned that
>there is a VW/Audi version of this software called ECTA and that it is
>available on the internet. I did see something that they were using at
>the dealership the last time I was there and it looked pretty usefull.
>An exaustive search of the archives turned up bits an pieces of info,
>but does anyone know where I can get a copy of this software.
>Jamie Howton
>1998 A4 1.8TQ, Tip, APR Chipped, Billstein + H&R Street,
>Borla Catback, Brilliant Black
>1987 Porsche 928 S4 A/T Dunkelblau 80K
>1979 Porsche 928 5 Spd Opelmetallic 64K
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