city lights vs. corner markers

Wallace White wallace at
Wed Sep 26 08:32:18 EDT 2001

I've got a question mostly on this topic: if you use Euro headlights (H4
100/5k lights in my case) with city lights, do you need the corner
markers wired to be on with the parking lights?

I wired mine up with the corner markers as the turn signals. (Initially
I had the corners and the stock turn signals in markerflash arrangement,
but the higher wattage of the Euro corners made it flash slowly.)

I did this recently and I'm starting to wonder if it is legal or safe. 

I don't have lights on at night that truly define the width of the car
(purpose #1 for corner markers in my mind). But if I lose a headlight
bulb, I still have a city light, so both sides are visible (purpose #2).

How are the European cars wired up? Do they use the corner position as a
turn signal or as a always-on corner marker?

I'd like to wire up a 2-filament bulb in that position: 5W that comes on
with the parking lights, 21W turn signal. But I don't have the right

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 177k

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