5kcstq loosing water?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Sep 27 22:35:07 EDT 2001

Put some cardboard under the engine compartment after you park for the day 
or night.  If you find no evidence of a leak at that point, you need to 
start troubleshooting the head gasket.

At 06:12 PM 09/27/2001 -0700, Joseph Rae wrote:

>Hey audifans,
>I am having a small problem with my 5kcstq, it seems to be loosing
>coolant, lately about every 2 weeks I get the low coolant light, and
>have to top it off(about half the tank). I have checked most of the
>coolant hoses and have not found any rips or tears, My thought is that I
>have a pin hole leak in one of the coolant lines? Or my headgasket is
>Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
>Thanks in advance
>Joe Rae
>87 5kcstq
>82 urQ (waiting for paint)
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