4kq timing belt procedure anyone?

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Fri Sep 28 09:58:54 EDT 2001

Hello again all,

Due to the fact that I noticed a coating of clean synthetic oil all over the
car's underbody, running from the crank seal on my 86' 4kcsq, I will be
doing a timing belt replacement at the factory recommended 44,500 mile
interval.  : )  I guess my car has the "something will fail at the
maintenance interval" option.
Luckily, I have had a timing belt, front crank seal, waterpump, and brand
new containers of pentosin coolant sitting in a box, so I can do everything.
I will also be replacing my heater core, expansion tank, heater valve and
heater hoses at the same time, because I will be draining the coolant
The question then becomes, what else should I replace while I'm at it?  I
replaced the cam cover gasket cam seal, and lifters a few months back, so I
don't need to do those.  Any suggestions?
Also, the real reason for my post, does anyone have a good written procedure
for timing belt swap on a 4kq or CGT?  I looked through Huw's and Brendan's
pages for advice, and didn't find a procedure for a type 85.  Also did a
google search, but only found a lot of stuff for the v-6's v-8's, and
turbo's.  I've got a Bentley, but in the past, I've found that the list's
write-ups are usually more informative for these types of things.
Thanks everyone!

Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq (it's on a mission to have every single part replaced)
93' 90CS (why can't the 4kq be more like this one?  Never needs attention)
83' 944 (if the Audi ever stops breaking, I'll finish it's suspension mods)

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