[urq] FW: Coolant temp switches (83 urq)

Browning David BrowningD at tce.com
Fri Sep 28 15:09:00 EDT 2001

Thanks for everyone's replies.

The problem is finding aftermarket "metric" gauges.  I might have to go with
SAE versions for the time being.  I had good luck in my old Rabbit with the
oil temp sender.  I got the factory one for a GTI and it worked just fine
with the aftermarket VDO gauge I got.  I'll probably have to scavenge around
a "salvage" yard or two, maybe to save a little money.


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Buchholz, Steven [mailto:Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com]
>>Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 10:32 AM
>>To: 'quattro at audifans.com'; 'urq at audifans.com'
>>Subject: [urq] FW: Coolant temp switches (83 urq)
>>... can't post to the list from home right now ... but this has been
>>discussed on the urq list.  The owner's manual for the urq states that
>>the light is there to warn the driver not to push the engine 
>>too hard while
>>it is cold.  It is not a switch like the overheat switches, 
>>but a variable
>>resistor.  On my car the light will come on moderately 
>>brightly when the
>>engine is say below 40degF, and will dim as the engine warms.
>>Yes, you can add a temperature gauge ... it fits in place of the boost
>>gauge on the ury's IC.  I believe it was Tony Lum that posted 
>>the details.
>>You need to replace the temp sender with one that has the appropriate
>>temperature coefficient for the gauge (i.e. a sender for the 
>>car the gauge
>>came from), but the wiring is all in place.  When I started 
>>doing this a
>>month or so ago I found that perhaps the biggest issue is 
>>finding a temp
>>gauge with a face that matches the graphics on the urq's IC ...
>>Steve Buchholz
>>San Jose, CA (USA)
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Browning David" <BrowningD at tce.com>
>>To: <quattro at audifans.com>
>>Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 7:36 AM
>>Subject: Coolant temp switches (83 urq)
>>> I'm trying to understand the function of the coolant temp switches
>>> the rear of the engine (cyl. head) on my WX '83 urq.  The Bentley
>>shows it
>>> being a dual switch with both connections going to the 
>>warning lights.
>>> appears to be for high coolant temp, and the other says "cool. low
>>> What does that mean?  The temperature is too low and the 
>>warning light
>>> come on?  (That would be anytime it's cold.)  It doesn't seem like a
>>> level detector, because that would be in the reservoir.
>>> On a related theme, I would like to install a water temp gauge.  Any
>>> tricks with senders (factory or aftermarket) and that I can try with
>>> aftermarket gauge?  I've thought about getting the radiator outlets
>>> the cylinder head) that have places for switches/senders 
>>like some of
>>> 4000's and 5000's have.  The same would go for oil 
>>press/temp gauges,
>>> Thanks,
>>> dB
>>> '83 Urq (WX)
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